How To Become A Fitness Model

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No matter what age you may be, no matter what your body shape, you can become a fitness model. Even if you have a disability you can be a fitness model. Being a fitness model is different from being a fashion model.

Being a fitness model is not about matching up to a stereotype. You may be pear shaped, tall or short. It really doesn't matter. What matters is fitness and your attitude to your body.

If you have had to overcome difficulties to achieve a better level of fitness then you make an even better fitness model. There is no question of absolute standards.

Fashion models tend to be unnaturally slim for their height. Many of them are unhealthily underweight. They set a standard that is not a good one to follow. The immage of the fashion model often persuades young women and girls that they need to diet obsessively in order to lose weight. A fitness model should not go down that route.

Fashion models look like that because they make the clothes look better. If they have no curves the clothes hang smoothly. They look like that because of their genes. They are chosen for their unusual shape.

But being a fitness model is about accepting your real body shape not about selling clothes. If you want to be a fitness model you should put impossible stereotypes out of your mind.

No matter whether you are a man or a woman you should learn to accept your own body shape. Obviously fitness training will improve it but it will not make your legs longer. Set an example by rejecting the ideal of unnatural slimness.

Men have another false body image forced upon them. They are encouraged to go for perfect abdominal muscles and bulging biceps. But there is no need to look like a body builder to be a fitness model. Many men have light frames and will never achieve the body builder look.

Unfortunately some men are tempted to resort to artificial aids such as steriods in body building. This is very harmful to their health and is entirely contrary to the behaviour of a genuine health model.


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